Jan Ögren, MFT

Speaking & Workshop schedule           

I speak on a variety of personal growth, planetary change, psychotherapy and liberal religious/spiritual topics. 

Email:JanOWrites@gmail.com to get on my notification list for upcoming workshops 

UU: Unitarian Universalism,   http://www.UUA.org  is a non- creedal, non-dogmatic liberal religion valuing the inherent worth and dignity of all beings. IONS:  Institute of Noetic Sciences   http://www.noetic.org 


Free Webinar August 2nd 

Healing Energy of Love 

Register to attend

and recieve a free copy of the webinar to view at your convienence 

Hosted by the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI). CHI is a nonprofit collaborative of scientists, practitioners, educators, innovators and artists dedicated to leading humanity to heal ourselves.

Would you like to expand your ability to open to the healing potential of love? Learn how to incorporate the simple yet powerful practice of the Love Fountain into your daily life. This technique helps heal you within and connect you to an expansive, inexhaustible energy source.

In this webinar, Jan will offer an introduction to Psychological Shamanism, which integrates psychotherapeutic tools with energetics /spiritual wisdom and support. Psychological Shamanism is specifically designed for the western worldview to help utilize the ancient shamanistic traditions of creating balance and healing for individuals and the community.


January 29, 2023 10:30 am

  Creating a Loving Spiritual Reality for 2023   

Is creativity just for kids and “artists” or is it an essential element for our spiritual well-being? 

 Come join us this Sunday to start preparing for 2023 

with an intriguingly new perspective on creativity and love.  

Fairfax Community Church 

2398 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax, CA


Free Webinar 

Exploring the Spirit Realm: Earthbound Spirits

Friday October 28 

11:00 - 12:15 PDT 

Hosted by IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences)

sign up to join live or recieve a link to view later


What are Earthbound Spirits? Scientific, Clinical and Personal Perspectives

Around the world, there are cultures that believe a person’s spirit can be trapped on the Earth after they die. This phenomenon can be referred to as earthbound spirits. Some believe that these deceased people did not transition to the light because they either do not realize they died, had unresolved issues when they died, or a fear about what would happen to them after death. 

Join us on Friday, October 28th at 11 AM for a ConnectIONS Live panel discussion exploring this fascinating topic. In this webinar, you’ll hear from Dr. Helané Wahbeh and her panel guests – Alexander Almeida, Jan Ögren, Guenet Sebsibe, and David Furlong – as they share their insights on earthbound spirits from scientific, clinical, and personal perspectives. 

From 2020- 2022, due to COVID-19 

workshops were on hold 


Friday November 1 2019 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

(All Saints' Day)

Laughing With Spirits

 Creating Healthy Relationships with Spirits and 

Natural Energies

Institute of Noetic Science (IONS)   

Earthrise Campus, Petaluma, CA 

This workshop is co-facilitated by the Guardian Spirits at Earthrise.

go to: http://www.janogren.net/creating-healthy-relationships-with-spirits.php


October 24-27 2019

Laughing with Spirits: an Introduction to Psychological Shamanism 

 Science and NonDuality (SAND) Conference

 San Jose, CA



October 20, 2019 10:30

Practicing Love 

United Church of Christ, Fairfax, CA 


Saturday 28, 2019 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Celebrating Oneness

Core Principles of Psychological Shamanism


Institute of Noetic Science (IONS)   

Earthrise Campus, Petaluma, CA 

This workshop is co-facilitated by the Guardian Spirits at Earthrise.

go to:workshop-information-and-registration.php


September 20, 2019

Exploring Psychological Shamanism  

(Institute of Noetic Sciences Diablo community group)

in cooperation with the MA Program of Consciousness and Transformative Studies 

at JFK University. 

September 20, 2019  from 7:30 to 9:30 pm

 JFK University, Pleasant Hill, California


September 12th 2019

Laughing with Spirits: an Introduction to Psychological Shamanism 

IONS Global Gathering online FREE zoom workshop

September 12th Thursday evening 5:00-6:30



Saturday, July 20th 

IONS Conference 

introduction to Psychological Shamanism



Friday April 19th  7:00 - 9:15

Laughing with Spirits: An introduction to Psychological Shamanism

Do you feel a calling or an urge for deeper connection to nature or the spirit world?  Come learn how to use the “Love Fountain” to create healthy, fun and very helpful connections first with yourself, and then expanding to spirits, spirit guides, animal guides, and natural energies. There will be a story time to enjoy the ancient tradition of teaching through magical fables. 

 Gathering together in a small group we will create a community,  from the human, spirit and natural worlds, to support our authentic journeys in life. Following our own path is crucial because it encourages others to follow their unique path into the love, mysteries and abundance of both the physical and non-physical worlds.

Sonoma County Pagan Network 
7:00 pm for a potluck and talk from about 8:15 - 9:15 
Luther Burbank Art and Garden Center,
2050 Yulupa Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
(they appreciate a small donation for rental and other expenses). 
and please bring a reusable place setting to keep the potluck environmental friendly) 
your also welcome to bring an small item for an alter if you wish. 

                            Saturday January 26, 2019 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Psychological Shamanism

 Creating Healthy Relationships with Spirits and 

Natural Energies

Institute of Noetic Science (IONS)   

Earthrise Campus, Petaluma, CA 

This workshop is co-facilitated by the Guardian Spirits at Earthrise. 



Saturday November 3,  2018  

10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

Psychological Shamanism

 Core Practices: Love Fountain, Following your Path   

and Creating Healthy Connections with the Spirit Realm

go to: workshop-registration.php


Sunday October 7, 2018 

Sunday service 

Unitarian Universalist Congregation Lake County


Saturday September 15, 2018       

 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Psychological Shamanism:



An Invitation to Live Consciously 

as an Embodied Spirit 

Institute of Noetic Science (IONS)   Earthrise Campus, Petaluma, CA 

Have you ever found it challenging to integrate your spiritual experiences into your daily life?
Do you notice conflicts between the physical, emotional, spiritual and rational parts of yourself? Would you like help bringing forth more of your authentic self in the world and in relationships?
Western culture does not encourage or promote a healthy integration of our complete selves, but it is possible. Come learn to enjoy your life fully and enhance your relationship with both the spiritual and physical worlds.


$100 before September 1, 2018

$130  after September 1, 2018

Additional $30 for 6 CEU certificate. 

go to: workshop-registration.php

For Licensed Psychotherapists you can register under:

“Helping Clients Integrate Their Spiritual Experiences into Their Daily Lives.”

and receive a certificate for 6 CEU. 

For more information go to  ceu---continuing-education-units.php


11 am Sunday August 26, 2018


I wil be doing a service with my 99-year-old father

“Celebrate Life: Exploring the Joys and Rewards of Living as a Unitarian Universalist.”

multi-generational exploration of living as a UU. Through poetry, story and photography we will focus on how Ken Ogren's 99-year-old philosophy of life has been deeply influenced by his UU values. The service will include poems and photographs from Choose Life  written by his daughter, Jan Ögren, an author, storyteller, psychotherapistand lifelong UU.  www.JanOgren.net


Unitarian Universalist Congregation Lake County

11 am Sunday August 26, 2018

3810 Main Street



Creating Healthy Relationships with Spirits and Natural Energies

An Introduction to Psychological Shamanism

June 2, 2018  10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

for more information go to



                   Introduction to Psychological Shamanism

     Friday, May 11th  7 - 9:00  pm 

Explore Psychological Shamanism through stories, ideas and experiences. 

Jan Ogren,  MA, MFT has trained traditionally with Native American teachers for over 35 years, yet as a westerner she has always felt the need to embrace her own shamanistic traditions. Psychological Shamanism is a mystical practice that includes scientific knowledge, especially as it relates to brain function.  

Psychological Shamanism is the branch of shamanism best suited for European and Western culture which has traditionally focused on the mind. Like all shamanic tools the mind needs to be treated with respect and care. It has the ability to both cause devastating destruction and create profound innovations and enlightenment. At this period of world crisis it feels crucial for Western Culture to embrace its own unique form of shamanism. Every culture has its mystical compass to help guide its people in relation to the whole planet. Western Culture has come dangerously close to losing this important feature.

Science and industry have developed at a rate that has not allowed the culture to fully comprehend the shamanistic nature of its great scientists and inventors. Westerners often have to search in other cultures to learn the tools to bridge the connection between the spiritual and material worlds. Jan is pleased to be part of the movement to make the mystical path accessible within the Western cultural framework. 

2 Continuing education units are available for LMFT, LCSW, LEP and LPC. 
          2 CEU ($15 for certificate) 

see ceu---continuing-education-units.php

Marin Community Group of Noetic Sciences

Unity Hall   600 Palm Dr, Hamilton Center, Novato, CA
$10.00 Donation & snack/beverage




Friday, May 11, 2018  11:30 AM - 2:00 PM 


Corte Madera Town Center, Room 201 - 770 Tamalpais Drive, Corte Madera, CA 


Psychological Shamanism:

Core Practices:

Love Fountain, Following your Path

and Creating Healthy Connections with the Spirit Realm 
 Saturday February   24th, 2018        10:00 a.m. to  5:00 p.m.
  for more information go to: workshop-registration.php


Wise-ing up to the Joys of

Growing Older

My 99-year-old father, Ken Ogren, and I will both be sharing readings, and photographs from my latest book: Choose Life: Poetry, Prose, and Photography. Which was written in honor of his philosophy of life. We hope to inspire you with stories and an almost century-long perspective on life. There will be exploration and exercises to encourage you to let go of the negative cultural myths around aging and to find a positive, Self-affirming view of growing older. Ken’s view of life is practical, affirming and fun!

2 CEU available for licensed psychotherapists 

go to ceu---continuing-education-units.php for more information and to register

February 9th   7:30- 9:30 p.m.  

Songbird Community Healing Center
8297 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati, CA 
(707) 795-2398 www.songbirdcenter.org       Suggested donation from $10 - $20  
 * Everyone is welcome - work trade available *



Dine With Local Authors
December 11th 6 - 8 p.m.
Enjoy good food and a chance to talk to authors
 and listen to them read from their books. 
Jan and Ken Ogren will be reciting poetry from

Choose Life: Poetry, Prose and Photography  
dedicated to my 98-year-old father's philosophy of life

  Gaia’s Garden International Vegetarian Buffet
1899 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa

UU Philosophy for Living an Authentic Life

My 98-year-old father, Ken Ogren, and I will both be sharing readings, and photographs from my latest book: Choose Life: Poetry, Prose, and Photography. Which was written in honor of his philosophy of life. We hope to inspire you with stories and an almost century-long perspective on life. 

Ken’s view of life is practical, affirming and fun!

My god-daughter Zoey Wilson will be gifting us with her music so this is a three generational event of living as Unitarian Universalists. 

Sunday November 12th 11:30 a.m.

Unitarian Universalists, Petaluma

Sunday service with my father Ken Ogren



Got Mystery?

What do you do when the Universe drops a bit of Mystery right at your feet? How do we witness Mystery in our lives? What do we, as Unitarian Universalists who value understanding and rationality, do with the unknowns in life? Come join us for a morning of exploration and some intriguing stories. 

Sunday October 8th, 2017

Sunday service at Unitarian Universalist Lake County

 http:// www.uuclc.org


Creating Healthy Relationships with Spirits and Natural Energies

An Introduction to Psychological Shamanism

Sunday, October 1rst, 2017 10:00 am - 5:00 pm



International Conference on Indigenous and Ancestral Wisdom, Healing and Transformation

An Introduction to Psychological Shamanism
Storytelling: The Pigment Problem
September 2-4, Labor Day Weekend – 2017 :
     Protecting Earth, Water, Air and Light:
     Honoring the Wisdom of our Ancestors for Future Generations


HOT SUMMER NIGHTS WITH THE REDWOOD WRITERS:                              Copperfield's Books - free event

Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 7:00pm
                                     Montgomery Village Store,   775 Village Court,   Santa Rosa


Author Launch - Redwood Writers

Sunday, July 9th , 2 - 4:30 p.m.


Flamingo Resort, Empire Room 2777 4th St.
Santa Rosa 

   Fairy & Human Relations Congress 
Friday - Sunday June 23rd - 25th 

Skalitude Retreat Center

Workshops: Psychological Shamanism &
 Magical Stories and the Power of Transformation. 
Unitarian Universalist San Francisco 
May 28th Sunday Service - 
Practicing Love

Transgender: Meaning, Myths, and Messages.

Small group exploration. Basic introduction to transgender issues in society and in therapy.   Goal is to support therapists in our own journeys around gender to create a safe place for transgender individuals to receive therapy.

 Friday May 26th 10:00 – 12:00  2 CEU  25$

Small group setting please register early as space is limited.


Exploring the Gender Spectrum: for Ourselves and for Our Clients

Small group exploration. We’ll watch current videos on gender, share our own cultural, family and personal experiences and explore how they affect us and our clients. This workshop will create a safe space to share an often complex and emotional subject. Appropriate if you are currently working with transgender, transqueer or questioning clients or if you want to create a safe environment for clients to explore gender.

 Friday May 19th 12:30 – 2:30   2 CEU  25$

Small group setting please register early as space is limited.

Cherry Street, Downtown Santa Rosa.


Choose Life: Poetry, Prose and Photography  

dedicated to my 98-year-old father's philosophy of life
Book Launch - May 7th 3:00-4:30 pm
547 Mendocino Ave. Santa Rosa, CA
Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Santa Rosa

Readings by Ken and Jan Ogren from the book and a story from Dragon Magic: Amazing Stories for All Ages. 
Book signing afterwards. 
10% of sales to benefit UUCSR. 
Tea, Coffee and treats provided. 
Free Event.


Crazy Wise

Film screening followed by Q & A with Jan Ogren, MFT

Saturday, May 6, 2017 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm  2 CEU 

 More information and to register for the event go to:  http://noetic.org/earthrise/event/crazy-wise


Psychological Shamanism

Answering the Call to Authenticity 

Choose Life: Poetry, Prose and Photography  
dedicated to my 98-year-old father's philosophy of life

January 28th, 2:00 pm
Reading at Gaia’s Garden International Vegetarian Buffet
1899 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa


Psychological Shamanism

Expanding Inner Harmony and Creating Healthy Relationships with Spirits and Natural Energies

Saturday-Sunday , January  14th & 15th, 2017  10:00 - 5:00  

Noetic Science’s  Earthrise Campus, Petaluma, CA 


Exploring Client's Personal Narratives,

 Appropriate Use of Self-Disclosure and Creating 

Transformations through Stories.

January 6th 11:00 - 1:00 

- RECAMFT (Redwood Chapter of California Association of Marriage, Family Therapists) 545 Pacific Ave. Santa Rosa, CA 




Introduction to Psychological Shamanism 

November 18th 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. 

Songbird Community Healing Center    8297 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati CA     (707) 795-2398 www.songbirdcenter.org       Suggested donation from $10-20   * Everyone is welcome *


Storytelling Monday, November 14, 6-8 PM

A Fable from Dragon Magic: Amazing Fables for All Ages.

 Gaia’s Garden International Vegetarian Buffet

1899 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa


Call to RSVP 544-2491 minimum $5.00 food purchase


Psychological Shamanism Workshops: 

Connecting with your Calling

November 4th

Encouraging your Intuition 

November 5th

10:00 to 5:00 p.m.  


(click on Psychological Shamanism on left side of page)



Presentation:  Psychological Shamanism

Wednesday October 19 – Sunday October 23, 2016

Science and Nonduality Conference (SAND) 

On the Edge of the (Un)Known

Dolce Hayes Mansion in San Jose, CA


Science and Nonduality (SAND) aims at fostering a new relationship to spirituality, free from religious dogma, based on timeless wisdom traditions, informed by cutting-edge science, and grounded in direct experience.


Creating Healthy Relationships 

With Spirits and Natural Energies

An Introduction to Psychological Shamanism

Saturday, OCTOBER 15th, 10:00 - 5:00  

Limited to 20 participants 

 Noetic Science’s  Earthrise Campus, Petaluma, CA 

click on "October 15" (left side of page) 

 to register or for more information 


Presentation:  Psychological Shamanism

September 3rd

International Conference on Shamanism, Healing & Transformation  

Theme:  Building Bridges. Between people. Between worlds. 

Labor Day Weekend ~ September 3-5, 2016 ~ San Rafael, CA






Got Mystery?

What do you do when the Universe drops a bit of Mystery right at your feet? How do we witness Mystery in our lives? What do we, as Unitarian Universalists, do with the Mysteries of life? Come join us for a morning of exploration and some intriguing stories. 

Sunday, August 21, 2016 10 a.m. 

Napa Valley Unitarian Universalists 

    1625 Salvador Ave in Napa, CA         http://www.nvuu.org/visitors/



How do you make muddy water clear?

Sunday August 7th 11:30

 at Unitarian Universalist of Petaluma 


The summer has traditionally been thought of as a time for rest and rejuvenation, but in our busy world, time for reflection is not always the easiest to find. The great wisdom traditions teach that we have the answers within, yet how do we find them? Paradoxically it is often in community that we discover the personal answers that we are seeking. 

UUP Services are held at 11:30 a.m. at 

UCC (United Church of Christ)  

825 Middlefield Dr,  Petaluma,  CA              www.UUPetaluma.org 


 Author Launch for Dragon Magic: Amazing Fables for All Ages. 

July 10th, 2016 2:30-4:30 Free 
Redwood Writers Flamingo Conference Resort and Spa
2777 4th St, Santa Rosa, CA

Copperfields Books Meet and Greet Authors 
July 9th 1:30-3:30 
Copperfield's Books
140 Kentucky St, Petaluma, CA  94952, United States


  Evening of Healing Music 

June 18th 8 pm

Glaser Center 547 Mendocino Ave. Santa Rosa, CA.

Tickets $15 in advance and $20 at the door - 
brown paper tickets:  

Music, poetry and storytelling. Featuring Sheridan Gold on Native American Flute and drums. Jan Ogren will share the story - "Blind Bunny" - from her book Dragon Magic: Amazing Tales for all Ages

benefit for Breakfast for the Homeless Program hosted by UUCSR (Unitarian Universalist Congregation Santa Rosa)


Paris, France

April 9th and 10th

Saturday workshop on Transforming Time
Sunday service: A time to rest a time to work 


Creating Healthy Relationships with 

Spirits and Natural Energies

March 19, 2016 - All day Workshop - Earthrise, Petaluma 

limited to 20 participants - click on "March 19th" (left side of page) 
 to register or for more information 
FULL - please contact to be put on waiting list or to sign up for next workshop 


Wednesday, February 10  7:00 - 9:00 pm

Time to Transform Time

Marin County IONS Community Group

First Presbyterian Church at Fifth Ave & E St. San Rafael $10 donation

Do you struggle with "not enough" time to do everything? 

Do you feel that linear time is controlling your life? 

Have you ever wondered what Einstein was doing before he explored relativity?

Come learn about time: the origin of linear time and other forms of organizing time that create more opportunities and places for healing. Linear time has come to dominate our consciousness and how we relate to the world, and how we judge our own worth and productivity. In its present form it is a very new and unexplored way of organizing time. Jan will draw on her work as a psychotherapist and her experiences with different cultures to help you explore the effect linear time has on the western culture in the United States. You will also have the opportunity to discover how going slower can help you achieve what you desire much faster. 

This is an informative and practical workshop offering opportunities to explore how using different views of time can change how you relate to yourself and others.


December 17th Thursday 2:30 pm
Story Telling at the Winter Craft Faire benefit for Live Oak Charter School - Petaluma Fairgrounds (707) 762-9020


December 4th Friday - 7:30 - 9:00 pm

Magical Stories and 

the Power of Transformation

Before there were classrooms and universities there were campfires and stories. We intuitively learn through stories and we adapt and create them for our own life. They inform us, guide us and determine our place in the world. Come enjoy, explore and learn about stories and how they affect your life. You’ll be given an opportunity to listen to your own stories that live inside your head and learn from some magical fables. In honor of the season Jan will share “The First Winter Solstice” and “Merry the Daughter of Santa and Sinta Claus.” from her latest book

Dragon Magic: Amazing Fables for All Ages  

Songbird Community Healing Center    8297 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati CA     (707) 795-2398 www.songbirdcenter.org       Suggested donation from $1 - $30   * Everyone is welcome *


November 29th Saying Yes to Life - for 97 years

Abundance sometimes comes singing into our lives with joy, and sometimes it must be diligently searched for and created.  Ken Ogren,  with help from his daughter, Jan, will share how he has said “Yes” to life: including physical health, relationships, spiritually (as a Unitarian Universalist), emotionally, and through career and social action.  Many people have asked Ken what his secrets are for loving life at 97 years old.  He will be sharing these along with what continues to inspire him in life.

www.UUPetaluma.org  11:30 am  825 Middlefield Drive Petaluma


November 12th The Science of Stories, the Power of Transformation

The stories we tell ourselves shape our self-image and our worldview. Our cultural stories determine how accepting we are of each other and of our natural world.

Jan will lead us in exercises to reveal the power of stories and to give us concrete tools that can be used to shift our awareness during daily activities. By blending neurobiology and psychology she will facilitate an exploration of how our personal narratives were created and are maintained, and play with what it would be like to live by different stories. There will be opportunities to create new individual tales and to write a collective worldview story full of hope and happiness.

Jan will also entertain us with a fable from her latest book

Dragon Magic: Amazing Fables for All Ages  

 Santa Rosa IONS (International Institute of  Noetic Sciences) 
6:30 Social time 7:00-9:00 Meeting and Presentation  10$ Admission 
Lomitas School House  2421 Lomitas Ave. Santa Rosa, CA. 

Sunday August 30, 2015 Sunday Service 

Unitarian Universalist Petaluma  

Monday, August 10, 6-8 PM  

DINE WITH LOCAL AUTHORS - Book launch for 

Dragon Magic: Amazing Fables for All Ages

Gaia’s Garden International Vegetarian Buffet

1899 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa

Please RSVP - 707-544-7756 for reservations 

August 2,  First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis, Minnesota

A Time to Rest A Time to Work 

July 25 - Noetic Sciences International Conference - Chicago 

Transformational Ceremony

June 6th 8p.m. Evening of Healing Music
Music, poetry and storytelling. Featuring Sheridan Gold on Native American Flute and drums. Jan Ogren will share the story - "First Medicine Circle" - from her recent book Dragon Magic: Amazing Tales for all Ages. 
Glaser Center 547 Mendocino Ave. Santa Rosa, CA.
Tickets $15 in advance and $20 at the door - 
brown paper tickets:
benefit for Breakfast for the Homeless Program hosted by UUCSR (Unitarian Universalist Congregation Santa Rosa)

Wednesday May 20th - Hope from Honduras IONS staff presentation 

TITLE: Hope from Honduras

Take a personal journey to Honduras starting with pictures of its amazing beauty and continuing into sacred places through the invitation of spirits from Honduras and beyond. Through her connection with IONS, Jan was asked to journey to Copan, Honduras to participate in the 12/21/2012 Mayan ceremonies. This experience was a life-changing event, not just for her personally but for the world as we collectively move toward a new evolution of human consciousness foretold by the Mayas more than a millennium ago. She will share magical stories from the journey. Spirits will also use the photographs to transport people into sacred inner spaces so that the experience will expand beyond hearing about Jan’s travels, and into an experiential journey that is uniquely your own. From this event, the spirits from Honduras hope that you will feel a deep faith in the the reality of global consciousness transformation through human brain evolution.  www.noetic.org 

Sunday MAY 17 8 pm OUTBEAT salon KRCB radio
Third Sunday â€“ “Outbeat Collage” with Gary Carnivele and Mikala Kennan is a show all about LGBT arts, entertainment, and events happening in the North Bay and beyond. I'll be sharing about my next book Dragon Magic: Amazing Fables for All Ages.
listen at:
90.9  91.9 FM and Comcast station 202 and 961 live streaming on the web at: http://www.outbeatradio.org  

2015 Annual CAMFT conference  May 16th  



(Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex and Polyamory individuals.)

Understanding and affirming the full alphabet of who we are as individuals


April 26, Sunday 9:15 and 11:00 am 

Writing the Stories to Right our World.

The stories we tell ourselves create our personal realities, just as our cultural and religious stories create the world we live in. We’ll explore how our personal stories affect our creativity and joy. We’ll also imagine how the world might be different today if our Unitarian/Universalist ancestors’ stories about Jesus had been chosen as orthodoxy 1700 years ago.  

Unitarian Universalist Congregation Santa Rosa.  547 Mendocino ave. Santa Rosa, CA 


April 12,  Sunday 10:30 am 

Finding our place in the circle of life

This Sunday we will be exploring the interdependent web of all life. We will be celebrating our amazing world with drumming, Native American flute music, storytelling, and poetry. The story, “The First Medicine Circle,” will help us experience how obstacles can some times lead to opportunities. We will also explore how each of has a unique gift to bring to our world.

You are invited to bring your stuffed animal to service and all ages and animals are invited. 

Woman’s Club at 518 B St in Petaluma, CA


ALSO in 2015  

August 2,  First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis, Minnesota

September date TBA service and workshop: 

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Paris, France 


December 28, 2014 Creativity: A nice concept or a vital spiritual necessity?  

Is creativity just for kids and “artists” or is it an essential element for our spiritual well-being?

Unitarian Universalism is often valued as a rational, socially practical religion. But its uniqueness lies in it being the ultimately creative religion. Come join me this Sunday to explore some new concepts of creativity.

Live Oak UU 

October 17th 7:30-9:30  pm    - WORKSHOP  

MONEY as a Spiritual Economy: Do you believe money equals power, security, happiness, or freedom? Do you feel you are a better, more important person when you have more money?  These are some of the myths surrounding money that can entangle our lives. Money has now surpassed sex as the most uncomfortable topic for people to talk about. What would your life be like if you could freely use money as a simple tool to create an easier, more supportive life?

In this safe, fun, creative  workshop we will explore our relationship with money and develop our own spiritual economies. 

Songbird Community Healing Center    8297 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati CA     (707) 795-2398

www.songbirdcenter.org       Suggested donation from 1ȼ to $30   * Everyone is welcome *

October 5, 2014 Money: a Spiritual Economy (sunday service)

WARNING: attending this service may lead to a change in beliefs and attitudes towards money. This service contains explicit content concerning money. Not only will money be discussed frankly but frequent references to God will be made.

This sermon won the 2007 PCD (Pacific Central District) sermon award.

UUCLC  Unitarian Universalist Community of Lake County     www.uuclc.org 

September 14, 2014 Sunday 10:30 

Decidedly Uncertain How do we balance knowing who we are with being open to change? How can we hold passionately onto our beliefs and values and be accepting of other views? While many religions try to offer answers, Unitarian Universalism encourages a personal search for truth and meaning: a continual opening to the unknown.


International Conference on Shamanism and Alternative Modes of Healing - 

August 30 - September 1   http://shamanismconference.org

 â€œPsychological Healing: Inviting Spirit Guides into the Psychotherapy Process”

A Time to Rest, A Time to Work

on Sunday July 27th 10:30 at Unitarian Universalist of Petaluma 

UUP Services are held at the Women’s Building at 518 B Street.


A Time to Rest, A Time to Work


Is Time the friend that sets the natural rhythms of your days, or is it the

foe to be fought because: there is never enough time to get everything done?

In a culture where "I'm so busy" has become an affirmation of self‑worth, rest can be viewed as something that is only done out of necessity rather than an integral part of our lives.  

I invite you to take some time out of your busy days to reflect on Time this Sunday.

July 13th, 10am - Tenth Anniversary Service - UUCSR


June 15th, 2014 10am A Time to Rest, A Time to Work  UUFellowship of the North Bay 


another opportunity for: A Maya Message of Hope for the Future

Story telling, Pictures of Honduras and Meditation 

Friday 7pm  May 16th in Santa Rosa - 2050 Yulupa ave Santa Rosa   

Luther Burbank Art and Garden Center           www.scpagans.org

(see write-up under Sept 13th, 2013)

Time to Transform Time         Friday   March    21,  2014

Linear Time controls how we think, and what we believe about the world. It also creates tremendous stress as we struggle with “not enough” time to do all we need to. It is a pervasive cultural belief – but it is only one way of viewing the world.

Jan Ögren was in Copan Honduras for the Maya calendar change on 12/21/2012. During that journey she experienced a different way of relating to time that goes beyond our usual linear perspective. Other forms of time create opportunities and places for healing. We all experience them, but we often dismiss them as less important. Together we’ll have a chance to explore them and see how they might allow us the freedom to recreate our worldview. We’ll be experiencing time through our emotions, our intellect and our bodies. Give yourself the time to join others for a fun, creative evening.

 Songbird Community Healing Center    8297 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati CA     (707) 795-2398

www.songbirdcenter.org       Suggested donation from 1ȼ to $30   * Everyone is welcome *

Time to Transform Time

Thursday January 9, 2014 6:30 social gathering 7 – 8:30 presentation

 Santa Rosa Institute of Noetic Sciences www.Santarosaions.org  

Lomitas School House  2421 Lomitas Ave. Santa Rosa, CA Donation $10 


December 21 - Solstice - storytelling 

UUCSR - 547 Mendocino Ave. Santa Rosa uusantarosa.org

October 27th Aiki Extensions Conference

Aikido and Personal Transformation  - you can sign up for the entire conference or come just to my presentation.

Aiki is the core of Aikido. It is a practical philosophy of harmony and cooperative action. It consists of principles and methods of self-awareness, calmness under pressure, compassionate power, and respectful engagement with others.

http://www.aiki-extensions.net/conference   in Palo Alto 

October 6th, Sunday 11:00 am  A Time to Rest - A Time to Work 

Is Time the friend that sets the natural rhythms of your days, or is it the foe to be fought because: there is never enough time to get everything done?   In a culture where "I'm so busy" has become an affirmation of self‑worth, rest can be viewed as something that is only done out of necessity rather than an integral part of our lives.  I invite you to take some time out of your busy days to reflect on Time this Sunday.

UUCLC  Unitarian Universalist Community of Lake County     www.uuclc.org 

            A Maya Message of Hope for the Future

Story telling, Pictures of Honduras and Meditation 

Friday, September 13 2013

Jan Ögren, MA, MFT  was asked to journey to Copan, Honduras, last December to be present for the 12/21/2012 transformation.  She participated in the Maya ceremonies leading up to the solstice sunrise ceremony, and assisted the Maya Shaman perform two fire ceremonies, one at sunset and the other at midnight.

This experience was a life-changing event, not just for her personally but for the world as we collectively move toward a new evolution of human consciousness foretold by the Mayas more than a millennium ago. This is the age of interconnectedness, which Jan will illuminate through her stories of Honduras.

Along with sharing photographs of her experiences, she will guide us in meditations to help convey the messages she received from the Maya Shamans she worked with and what she learned from the astrological configuration where the Sun, Earth and Milky Way moved into galactic alignment. There really is hope for an amazing future! 

7:30pm - 9:30pm (Presentation 7:30-9 with time to talk after)

Songbird Community Healing Center

8297 Old Redwood Highway, Cotati, CA

Donation: 1 cent to 30$ * Everyone Welcome *  www.songbirdcenter.org

July 21, 2013 Livermore, CA 10:30     www.UUCiL.com  

Nourishing ourselves at the "UU Diner."

Ever wonder how our Unitarian Universalist principles were created? Come enjoy a fun, meaningful intergenerational service and experience through an original UU story one perspective  of how  our principles came to be. Expect to be challenged as we explore the question: is UU a religion that accepts everything and everyone?

July 14, UUCM - Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains 
Decidedly Uncertain How do we balance knowing who we are with being open to change? How can we hold passionately onto our beliefs and values and be accepting of other views? While many religions try to offer answers, Unitarian Universalism encourages a personal search for truth and meaning: a continual opening to the unknown.

June 13, 2013:   2012 and Beyond: A Maya Message of Hope for the Future

 Story telling, Pictures of Honduras and Meditation

Jan Ogren was asked to journey to Copan, Honduras last December to be present for the for 12/21/2012 transformation. She participated in the Maya ceremonies leading up to and including the Solstice sunrise ceremony and two fire ceremonies. This experience was a life-changing event, not just for her personally but for the world as we collectively move toward a new evolution of human consciousness foretold by the Mayas more than a millennium ago.
Along with sharing photographs of her experiences, she will guide us in meditations to help convey the messages she received from the Maya Shamans she worked with and what she learned from the astrological configuration where the Sun, Earth and Milky Way moved into direct alignment. 

Santa Rosa IONS (International Institute of  Noetic Sciences) 

6:30 Social time 7:00-9:00 Meeting and Presentation  10$ Admission 

Lomitas School House  2421 Lomitas Ave. Santa Rosa, CA. 


April 21rst  Sunday 11:00 a.m.  Being Decidedly Uncertain       www.uunorthbay.org 
How do we balance knowing who we are with being open to change? How can we hold passionately onto our beliefs and values and be accepting of other views? While many religions try to offer answers, Unitarian Universalism encourages a personal search for truth and meaning: a continual opening to the unknown. This morning we'll explore some tools to help on life's continually uncertain journey as UUFNB sets a certain course for an unknown future. 

April 15th, 12:00-1:00 Sonoma State University
Stevenson 3044 (please let me know if you plan to attend)

Turning Stress into Strength - Part II

Stress: work, family - those gut-clenching, jaw-grinding unwanted moments of change and uncertainty are usually very detrimental to our health. Unless, we learn how to change our automatic responses and create a habit of balance and strength. Using the principles of Aikido and neurophysiology we will explore what our individual reaction patterns are and practice using stress to increase our ability to be centered and strong. Jan will review concepts taught in Part I and share additional exercises and resources.

March 8th, 2013  Helping Clients Perceive and Consciously Change their Patterns of Relating to Others www.RECAMFT.org  with Michelle and David Keip

January 27th, 10:30 a.m.  Love is Larger than Fear www.uupetaluma.org


December 21, 2012 Copan Honduras - Maya Fire Ceremonies 

December 10th, 2012  6-8 pm GAIA's Garden Resturant Santa Rosa

reading from: Vintage Voices: Call of the Wild  Come dine with authors of the anthology and hear them share their writing.      www.gaiasgardenonline.com

November 27th Tuesday Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park 

Noon to one p.m. 3042 Stevenson Hall

Transforming Stress into Health and Strength

Stress: work, holiday, family - those gut-clenching, jaw-grinding unwanted moments of change and uncertainty are usually very detrimental to our health. Unless, we learn how to change our automatic responses and create a habit of balance and strength. Using the principles of Aikido and neurophysiology we will explore what our individual reaction patterns are and practice using stress to increase our ability to be centered and strong.

November 11th UUCLC  Unitarian Universalist Community of Lake County

Creativity: a nice concept or a vital necessity?

Is creativity just for kids and “artists” or is it an essential element for our spiritual well-being?

Unitarian Universalism is often valued as a rational, socially practical religion. But its uniqueness lies in it being the ultimately creative religion. Come join me this Sunday to explore some new concepts of creativity.



September 1rst presenting at the

29th International Conference on Shamanism: Healing & Transformation

Cycles of Time


August 26th  reading from:  Vintage Voices: Call of the Wild 

to benift Jack London State Park

Redwood Writers: 2012 Anthology Launch Party

August 26  10 a.m.  Sunday Service:  “Got Mystery?”

What do you do when the Universe drops a bit of Mystery
right at your feet? How can we witness Mystery in our
lives? Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen, in her book; My Grandfather’s Blessings, states: “After all these years I have begun to wonder if the secret of living well is not in having all the answers but in pursuing unanswerable questions in good company.” Come join us for a morning of exploration
in very good UU company.

  547 Mendocino Ave. Santa Rosa uusantarosa.org

July 8th Reading from Dividing Worlds for Redwood Writers Book Launch.  http://redwoodwriters.org/meetings/

Redwood Writers Meeting 2:30-5 PM at the Flamingo Conference Resort & Spa, 2777 Fourth Street, Santa Rosa, CA

May 10th, 2012 Thursday 7 pm "Hope for the Future"

Santa Rosa IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences) 

Steele Lane Community Center

- 415 Steele Lane, Santa Rosa - In the DeMeo Room

I will be telling stories about the transformation of consciousness - as I see it happening in the world today. I’ll share the strange but true journey that created Dividing Worlds, how it is tied to Noetic Sciences (www.noetic.org), and where my path is taking me in the future to help with the evolution of consciousness.

May 6, 2012  "Falling in Love with Your Life Through Stories"UUCSR Women's Retreat uusantarosa.org

April 15 2012

Reading from Dividing Worlds at Redwood Writer's http://redwoodwriters.org/

 February 5, 2012    11:00

"Writing the Stories to Right the  World"

The stories we tell ourselves create our personal realities, just as our cultural and religious stories create the world we live in. We’ll explore how our world might be different today if our Unitarian ancestors’ stories about Jesus had been chosen as orthodoxy 1700 years ago. In honor of the Super Bowl the story for all ages will be: “A UU mascot,” an original UU fable.

Unitarian Universalist  Napa, CA   http://uunorthbay.org/


November 17th  2011 Book reading and Meditation http://www.noetic.org/events/2011/11/dividing-worlds/     Petaluma, CA


October 16  8 pm  Outbeat Salon GLBT radio show - FM 91.1 & FM 90.9 http://www.outbeatradio.org/?cat=6

October 9     Practicing Love      Humboldt UU Fellowship                www.huuf.org

September 18th Book Reading - Redwood writers Anthology release party - Rohnert Park, CA

August 7  Practicing Love          Santa Rosa              uusantarosa.org

July 10 Creativity: a nice concept or a vital necessity? Santa Cruz www.uufscc.org

June 19 Practicing Love Alameda uuliveoak.org

May 14 Workshop: Learning our UU faith through stories and fables Fremont CA - Pacific Central District Assembly www.pcd-uua.org

May 6 Training: Working with trangender individuals in therapy             Lomi Community Clinic        Santa Rosa             www.lomi.org

April 30 Workshop: What you think does matter      Occidental CA

April 24 Easter: Remembering a Religious Liberal www.uupetaluma.org

April 17   Liberally Religious and Proud of It   Kelseyville   www.uuclc.org

April 10 Natural Connnections Petaluma www.uupetaluma.org






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